A classic tale from India; this story tells us about the need to take into account that our point of view is not the only one that exists about reality: we must value that the opinions, beliefs or knowledge of other people can be as valid and true as our own, without need that neither of them is wrong.
Starting your own business and undertaking in Guatemala has become a desirable and beneficial occupation. This means that today a large number of Guatemalans are actively involved in creating and running a new business.
MEM publishes fuel reference prices in Guatemala and a new rise in the price of regular gasoline and diesel is reflected, the latter being the most affected with an increase of more than Q2 per gallon.
For the third consecutive year, OWSD-Elsevier Foundation 2022 recognizes a Guatemala scientist. Flor de Mayo González received this award in its 2022 edition for her work in preventing landslides that endanger the population.
The World Bank in Guatemala
Guatemala has experienced economic stability, but this has not translated into an acceleration of growth that would allow it to close the income gap with rich countries. Indeed, poverty and inequality rates in the country are high, with indigenous peoples at a particular disadvantage.
The Monetary Board (JM) issued a favorable opinion for a "contingent" loan request for US$400 million (about Q3 thousand 80 million).
Public sector workers this week received wage benefits negotiated in collective agreements with the authorities in this fiscal year.
The Government of Nayib Bukele implemented a State of Exception since March 27, when more than 80 people were killed in one weekend, and since then the measure has been extended three times by Congress.
Measure considered pioneer in this country is already considered by several people, mainly Hispanics, who have submitted applications.
At least three people died and another 30 were seriously injured by the collapse of a grandstand in a bullring in Colombia.